Top 5 Moral Stories for Kids

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StoryJumper offers a large library of free online books & children's stories in many languages, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, ...

Climate Change Books

Read books about climate change written by the StoryJumper community.

English Books

StoryJumper offers a large library of free online books & children's stories in many languages, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, ...

Find Free Stories Online. Create Books for Kids.

StoryJumper offers a large library of free online books & children's stories in many languages, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, ... Books for 5-6 year olds · Books for 13+ year olds · Books for 9-10 year olds ·

Pets Books

Read books about Pets written by the StoryJumper community.

Read Aloud Books

StoryJumper offers a large library of free online books & children's stories in many languages, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, ...

Story Jumper Book Library

Collection of books for kids including print and auditory books.


Strengths. -Kids books for all ages. -Site is very easy to navigate (Create button). - Free to make (unless you order the book).!

A tool for creating and sharing personalized stories with props, scenes, photos, and text. It emphasizes creativity and fun.


Easiest way to create, narrate, and publish your own hardcover and paperback books. Read and listen to books from our worldwide community. Login · Sign Up · Find Free Stories Online... · Teachers


StoryJumperoffersalargelibraryoffreeonlinebooks&children'sstoriesinmanylanguages,suchasEnglish,Spanish,French,German,Portuguese, ...,ReadbooksaboutclimatechangewrittenbytheStoryJumpercommunity.,StoryJumperoffersalargelibraryoffreeonlinebooks&children'sstoriesinmanylanguages,suchasEnglish,Spanish,French,German,Portuguese, ...,StoryJumperoffersalargelibraryoffreeonlinebooks&children'...